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piano Tuning Wisconsin

Quality Piano Tuning Wisconsin

Keeping your piano in tune can be a challenge, especially in Wisconsin, where the change in seasons can bring wide swings in temperature and humidity levels.

Temperature and relative humidity are the single biggest factors affecting tuning stability, but also important is where the piano lives in your home. The best place for your piano is close to an internal wall of your home, away from windows and heating/air conditioning vents.
Piano Nurses, LLC employs equipment and techniques that result in a piano tuning that is as stable as possible. For situations that impose serious challenges with humidity and temperature control, special humidity control equipment can be installed to provide a more stable environment for your instrument.

Brandon D. Condon, RN
Piano Nurses, LLC / 414.559.1234
Certified Piano Technician, Piano Technician Academy
Piano Technicians Guild Member

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Tunesharks piano tuning and repair service in Salt Lake and Utah Counties.